Thursday, December 30, 2010

Blog Candy chez Harmonie Loisirs Créatifs

En ce temps des fêtes qui arrive à grand pas, Harmonie et son équipe souhaitent vous souhaiter un Joyeux Noël et de vous gâter en vous offrant la chance de gagner ce kit de produits harmonie de la collection "Bella Bohemia". / In this holiday season that is coming soon, Harmonie and her team want to wish you a Merry Christmas and spoil you by offering you the chance to win this Harmonie products kit from the collection "Bella Bohemia".

Visitez le blog Harmonie

Mon Beau Sapin - 2009

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Carte pour le défi sur Karma Scrap

C'est la fête à ma maman lundi, une petite carte maison pour lui faire plaisir:

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cozy Ride

Page fait pour le défi Sketch A de Karma Scrap du mois d'octobre. Merci pour l'inspiration.

Les filles on decider qu'un Tonka peut transporter plus que juste du sable. Petit singes!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

1st Big Bobo

These photos show the evolution of Abigayle's first big Bobo. She fell at daycare, and they couldn't figure out what had happened. She was playing alone with dolls and next thing they knew Abby was screaming in pain. Seeing as she rarely cries, even when she hurts herself, they came running to find that she had hurt herself. It turned many different shades before healing about three weeks later. You're a tough girl Abbilou!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Conquer Challenges One Step at a Time

Gabrielle climbing her rock wall for the first time in June 2010, this probably won't be the last challenge that she will face in her life. I hope that she will face every obstacle with the same drive and determination. You are a champion honey and always will be in our eyes.

Capture These Sketches - Sketch #49

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Happy Together

Capture These Sketches - Sketch #50
This sketch was so inspiring, loved working with it and will likely use it again soon.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Complices pour la Vie

Page fait pour le Sketch B sur Karma Scrap...
Les filles sont complices dans tout...les plaisirs de la vie et tout les mauvais coups aussi. Je vous adores les filles, vous êtes magnifiques dans tout ce que vous faites. xoxo

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Capable de Souffler des Bubbles

Abigayle isn't even 3 years old and she is so proud that she is able to blow bubbles. What a great summer it has been for firsts. She is growing up so fast, it's amazing, she is impressing us. She is blowing us out of the water with her wisdom and courageousness, no fear, she is facing the world head on....

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sisterly Friendship

Page pour le défi sketch d'août de Matie_Luna sur le site "ScrapZone"

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Gooey Sticky Clingy Yumminess!

Page made for the August sketch on "Capture these Sketches" - Abigayle during our August 2009 camping trip.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

crazy little thing called love

Page for a challenge on Scrapbook Café - Rocket Colors Only - Red, White, and Blue
This is one of Jeff and I's favorite pictures of Abigayle, you can see right into her soul. I love you baby, you are beautiful inside and out.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Winner of Who's Who

Oh my gosh, I can't believe I won. And I got the right answers so, not only did I win the great 36' Ribbon Organizer but I will also be receiving the Wall Mount. How cool is that??? Thanks ladies.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010

Creating from the Heart

Melissa is giving everyone a chance to win the wonderful Cricut Cake; just follow this link to get a chance to win:

I've got my fingers crossed and wanted to thank you Melissa for this great opportunity.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Inked Inspirations

Jodi at Inked Inspirations is celebrating her birthday. In celebration she is offering 5 candy prizes. Don't hesitate to visit her blog and see all the beautiful stuff that she has created. Happy birthday Jodi, and thanks for the opportunity.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Challenge on Scrapbook Estrie - mosaic photos: Kandy and Sylvie teaching Gabrielle to fly a kite at her 4th birthday party. She was so excited, and still to this day is one of her favoriate summer time activities. I am not sure who had more fun that day, but one thing is for sure, Gabrielle looks up to her aunt and enjoys every moment that they spend together. xoxoxo

I love you to the moon and the stars in the sky

For the Defi "Tout de Moi" sur Scrapbook Café, where we needed to create a page with something that someone you love would say about you. The picture was taken of the girls and I at the Aquarium de Quebec, in August 2009.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wild First Date

This was Gabrielle and Jayden's first date, although JayJay was a little intimidated by the wild creatures, Gabrielle brought him out of his shell. They had a great time together, holding snakes and discovering the wild world of reptiles.

Page fait pour le defi de Karma Scrap: